Thursday, October 22, 2015

But What do you do with the Toddler?

When we first began the design process, our meetings were scheduled out in advance and we made sure that our daughter was with a babysitter for all of them.  It was simply impossible for both of us to focus on what the designers were saying and make the best decisions while simultaneously entertaining a toddler.  I will say now that there were some meetings that did not get our full attention because of the child care issue.  When this process began in January, our daughter was only 20 months old.  A lot has happened since then.
We cleared out the garage so that there's actually room to move and we're not afraid of her touching something dangerous.  She's been in the space more and is accustomed to our expectations.  She also loves going 'uppy' and allows me to wear her.  Now that there are workers in the space, she watches them and helps 'supervise'.

It's still difficult to give full attention to a conversation happening, but since we're over there so much more now for shorter periods of time, getting a babysitter isn't an option.
Another huge time consumer is all the shopping we need to do.  Recently, we had to get some doors and wanted to stop at several second-hand places to make sure we were getting the  best deal we could.  It's a lot of bucking and unbuckling the car seat and lots of looking through big racks of things.  I will say this: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A TAPE MEASURE.  That is one of our huge secrets.  Little Miss loves measuring things and making sure they'll fit.

She does a great job and stays with us of the most part.  I'd also like to give two thumbs up to Home Depot for the awesome kiddie shopping carts.  She sat in that thing playing happily for the better part of an hour while we (finally) put in the order for some doors.  And when you're all tuckered out from the shopping and there's one more store to see, never underestimate the power of Daddy's arms.
There are times when my Mommy guilt kicks in because our normal flow is so interrupted by contractor meetings, and shopping and swinging by places to check things out.  But then I remember that in less than two months we'll be in our space and it'll feel like the blink of an eye.  At the very least, we're giving her lots of opportunities to practice patience.

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