Tuesday, February 3, 2015

January Progress Report/ Goals for February

Am I the only one who can't believe that January is already over?  If January is indication of the rest of the year, it's going to be quick one!  This month was most exciting because it marked the big kick-off for the design of the garage.  We're so excited about our designers and had a great first meeting where we really examined how we're currently using our tiny apartment space and talked about what we could do to make it easier to function, as well as the aesthetics we prefer.  They're busily working on three big ideas and putting together a proposal to be seen this weekend.  I've never been so excited for the weekend (wedding weekend aside).  I'll have more to report on that next week.

A few weeks ago Scott and I sat down with a blank calendar and tried to realistically break down our timeline for the next four months, or until construction begins.  Since we were already half way through the month, our goals for January were simple:

1.  Finish up all the work that needed to be done at the rental houses.  The tenants in the rental house on-site are great and they didn't really have any needs, but the tenants in our suburban house wanted some things done that we just didn't have time to get to before we moved out.  We were able to tick this item off the list on the 31st.  Whew!

2.  Haul off/clear away all the junk in the garage that was taking up room so we have space to deal with the other stuff.  A large portion of the floor space in the garage was taken up with yard waste and other things that needed to be hauled off to the city dump.  Luckily, the quarterly yard waste pickup occurred in January, so all we had to do was make sure that the stuff made it out to the alley.  Scott spent a morning and took a few trips to the dump with the other stuff.  We now have some room to take things out, look at them and decide what to do with them, which brings us to our singular goal for February (and it's a big one):

1.  Go through, sort, organize, list, and sell all stuff that we won't be keeping.

That's right, by the end of the month only the things that we want to keep in our house or shed should remain.  Due to the quantity of stuff we will have to deal with, we determined that this is more than a casual weekend project that Scott will do while I have our daughter.  Grandma to the rescue.  My mom will be giving us two weekends with the week in between to watch our daughter so Scott and I can work together on the garage.  (Wish our marriage luck.)  We already have pictures of several things we want to sell, so we need to get serious about getting those listed and getting them sold before Grandma arrives.  We will use that week to hopefully get through everything in the garage so that we can have a big garage sale on the second weekend.  After that garage sale we'll need to look at donating the remaining stuff or other creative ways to get it out of our life by the end of the month.  This month is going to be a rough one.  It's also going to be the first full week of work my husband has taken off in the nearly two years since our daughter was born.  I just wish it were for something more fun, but I keep reminding myself that a garage/shed not filled with stuff we're constantly managing will be more fun in the long-term.

I'm really glad that we were able to make goals and put some support systems in place to help achieve them.  Hopefully we're not missing anything.

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