Sunday, February 15, 2015

Design Dilemma: Tub or Shower?

Designing a space to fit your needs is either a wonderful or a terrible thing.  It's wonderful being able to design space to accommodate all the different things we're anticipating using it for.  It's terrible because you have to think through every detail of what you think your life will entail, forever.  My current anxiety lies in the bathroom.  I have always had dreams of a luxurious, tiled walk-in shower, similar to this one:

As you can see from the picture, it's a way to make the small bathroom seem larger and there's nothing to step over to enter the shower.  This is my absolute dream.  But....I have a toddler.  She NEEDS a bathtub, doesn't she?  I'm embarrassed to admit that I spent an entire evening reading up on how parents make bath time work without owning an actual bathtub.  Some recommend using a tupperware tub, while others insist that a hand-held shower head will work just fine.  However, isn't bath time in the tub a right of childhood?  I remember baths in the tub with toys, friends, and lots of bubbles.  I wonder if I'm depriving my daughter of some memories.  

I searched around and found this as a potential middle ground:

This is a way to have an open, airy bathroom while still having a tub.  I told Scott that we could install a tub and when our little one outgrows baths we could then convert it to the bathroom of my dreams.  Perfect, right?  He quickly slammed the idea as wasteful and told me that I had to decide now.  I'm still on the fence.  Any suggestions?  What would you do and why?

UPDATE: After many suggestions on Facebook in response to this dilemma, we decided to go with the walk in shower.  It's my dream and it'll only be a little while until our daughter can also appreciate it.  We'll be sure to look for portable tubs to use in the meanwhile.

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